The CTR Group
Waste nothing.
Reuse everything.
Protect the planet.
At the CTR Group we’re on a mission to make a difference, by giving our customers a way to reuse, recycle and repurpose practically everything. Our vision is to be part of a global circular economy, where what we do is the norm (not the exception) and landfill is a thing of the past.
Talk to us about how we can help your businessyour charityyour council
What don’t we do?
The norm.
When you handle a mountain of unwanted products every single day of the year, you learn to move fast. That’s how we can tackle any sustainability challenge that comes our way.
We do it using a combination of commercial savvy, industry-leading logistics and old-fashioned elbow grease. We operate at the leading edge of our industry to redefine and extend product lifecycles and champion a circular economy.
It’s how we’ve built relationships with our partners that last years. They trust us to do what we say, and they know we approach every challenge with a positive can-do approach.
They know that if it can be done, we’ll do it.
And if it can’t? We’ll tell them that too.

Our planet has a problem.
It’s us.
We are making, using and throwing away more than we ever have before, faster than we ever have before. From clothing to computers, we’ve become hooked on throwaway culture – and our addiction to landfill has to stop.
We know there’s a better way, and we work hard every day to make sure our partners in the private and charity sectors are travelling it with us. It’s better for the planet, our clients and their customers. And because it’s better for them, it’s also better for the bottom line.